AutoCAD is paying people to keep you stupid. These people are the teachers in your school or the professors at your university.
Working With AutoCAD
You are working with AutoCAD. Because they told you that you need AutoCAD for your work. They only talked about AutoCAD. Isn't that so?
Or maybe you are lucky. Maybe you are thinking of taking AutoCAD. You haven't bought the program yet. You don't have the money yet.
My advice. If you are thinking about getting AutoCAD. Save money, don't get the program. Get an alternative for it.
Very Expensive
The first thing that you should know is that AutoCAD is very expensive. But you already knew that. You felt nothing can be done about it.
Read one. Because there is something that can be done about it. There is no need for spending a hell lot of money on AutoCAD.
AutoCAD comes in two versions. It has the following two versions:
1. AutoCAD Light
2. Full version of AutoCAD
I don't have the dollar prices of both versions. I have an estimate. AutoCAD Light is about $ 1,500. The full version is about $ 5,000.
If you take AutoCAD Light, then you do not have AutoLISP support. You could take a program for getting AutoLISP. That is about $ 400.
Only the full version of AutoCAD has got AutoLISP support. And you know how important it is the have AutoLISP support.
Five Alternatives
There are five alternatives for AutoCAD. The screens of the alternatives look very much the same as the screen of AutoCAD.
In fact. If you know how to work with AutoCAD, then you can also work with the alternatives. All commands are the same.
That is a big advantage of the five alternatives. The prices are much lower than the price of AutoCAD and all have AutoLISP support.
Something else. You create CAD drawings in the alternatives. And you save their drawings in the DWG format. That is the AutoCAD format.
You can open a drawing of an alternative of AutoCAD in the AutoCAD program. That is was not created in AutoCAD is not shown.
Waiting For Hours
I told you. AutoLISP support is very important. If you have AutoLISP support, you can run an AutoLISP program. That is very important.
An AutoLISP program can help you to create CAD drawings much faster. It can create parts of your drawings and even complete drawings.
That is how it always is. If you are working with a CAD program, you have to wait for hours before your drawing is created.
Not so if you are working with an AutoLISP program. With an AutoLISP program you get your drawings much faster.
If the AutoLISP program creates a complete CAD drawing, then you will have your drawing within a couple of seconds.
File Format Change
AutoCAD is created by Autodesk. And Autodesk has got very smart marketing people. They sure know how to make sales!
The marketing people of Autodesk is doing this. Every year Autodesk comes out with a new version of AutoCAD.
That is what the marketing people established. Every year they have the file format of AutoCAD changed. Now that is smart!
By changing the file format of AutoCAD, the marketing people of Autodesk are forcing their users to upgrade and spend lots of money.
I talked about the alternatives of AutoCAD. These alternatives do not change the file format. But you can save their files in any AutoCAD format.
That is another severe disadvantage of AutoCAD. The AutoCAD program is getting more complicated every year. And that makes it more expensive.
If you are working with AutoCAD operators. They do not know all the new options of AutoCAD. They keep on working in the old way.
If you want your AutoCAD operators to learn the new options of AutoCAD, then you have to send them to an AutoCAD course. That costs money.
Spending money on an AutoCAD course. That makes the AutoCAD program more expensive than it already is. Save money. Get an alternative.
What I now am going to say. I call it an advice. Or maybe I should call it a suggestion. That is what I would do. Forget about AutoCAD.
Look. If you take AutoCAD. Are you getting better CAD drawings through the program? I don't think so. CAD drawings of an alternative are as good.
In fact. As you take AutoCAD you are spending a hell lot of money. You could have saved that money and use it for your business.
If you use the money for your business, you get a return. You will get nothing if you invest the money in AutoCAD.
Next Post
I have written a post about the five alternatives for AutoCAD. Go and read that post. There is even a totally free CAD program.
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In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog. I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark. |
Warning Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP. There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight. How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program. |
Create Drawings When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster. I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it. If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here: Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1. Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know. That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is? I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-. |
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Box Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia. He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users. Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube. Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here: Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address: |
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box is added: ------------------------------------------------- This article is written by Jos van Doorn. He is an AutoLISP programmer who has helped engineering firms and architects to get their AutoCAD drawings fast, without waiting for hours. You can find more valuable information about his business and AutoLISP at his blog. It is here: If you want to contact him. Go to his blog and leave a comment. ------------------------------------------------- |