Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Is It Really Wrong To Get Your AutoLISP Drawings Right Away?

You are working with AutoCAD. You are using the program for creating technical drawings. You know how it is. You must always wait.

It takes hours, sometimes even days, before your AutoCAD drawing is created. And once it is created. You cannot use it right away.

The AutoCAD drawing needs to be checked. And if that is needed, it needs to be corrected. That takes time too.

IntelliCAD Or Another Alternative

Wait. I was talking about AutoCAD. But maybe you are working with IntelliCAD or another alternative of AutoCAD.

That doesn't make a difference. You still have to wait a long time before your CAD drawing has been finished and can be used.


Is this how it always is? No. You have the option to save a lot of time. That is done by working with AutoLISP programs.

With an AutoLISP program you can create AutoCAD drawing right away. There is no waiting for hours. There is no checking of the drawing.

You can even create parts of your AutoCAD drawing. Do the parts that are drawn all the time. You will save a lot of time.


If you are interested in getting an AutoLISP program for creating AutoCAD drawings or parts of it. I can help you.

I can write an AutoLISP program for you. For a very affordable price. Use the program and in no time you have your investment back.


Oh. I opened this article with a question. Let me tell you why. I have asked this question on Yahoo Answers.

One person was telling me that it is very good to wait for hours before your AutoCAD drawing is created.

He was telling me. If you wait for hours, then you get the chance to learn everything from the AutoCAD program.

I told him that I was not interested in learning everything of the AutoCAD program. I want my AutoCAD drawings without waiting.

I guess he did not agree with me. Wanting your AutoCAD drawing right away? The person did not agree. He called me a moron.

Prefer To Wait For Hours?

Do you too prefer to wait for hours? Do you find me a moron too, because I want AutoCAD drawings right away?

Telling Others

Do you like what you have read? Do you know other people, that could be interested? Could you tell them about this blog?


In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog.

I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark.


Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP.

There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight.

How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program.

Only Create Drawings

When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster.

I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it.

If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here:


Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1.

Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know.

That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is?

I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-.

You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact.

Resource Box

Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia.

He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users.

Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube.

Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here:


Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address:


This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any Ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. As long as the following resource box is added:

This article is written by Jos van Doorn. He is an AutoLISP programmer who has helped engineering firms and architects to get their AutoCAD drawings fast, without waiting for hours.

You can find more valuable information about his
business and AutoLISP at his blog. It is here:


If you want to contact him. Go to his blog and leave a comment.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

AutoLISP Program, Donuts, and Hatch 2


In my previous post I was talking about this AutoLISP program. I showed you what screens are created by the AutoLISP program.

I told you about the complication there was and I gave you the complete AutoLISP program. Have you copied it to a text file?

The Actions Of The AutoLISP Program

This is what needs to be done by the AutoLISP program:

1. Switch off command echos
2. Set the limits
3. Set the snap
4. Set the grid
5. Display the whole screen
6. Make the whole screen empty
7. Lines are drawn
8. Pick point in the room
9. Find line of the room
10. Create list of points of the lines
11. Draw the donuts
12. Hatch the room

I have created functions in the AutoLISP program. The functions do what needs to be done.

The Functions

The START Function

I start with the START function. By that function the first six actions are performed. You already know how that function works.

Here is the START function:

(defun start (/ ss p1 p2)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "blipmode" "off")
(command "limits" (list 0.0 0.0)
(list 120.0 120.0)
(command "snap" "on")
(command "snap" 10)
(command "grid" 10)
(command "zoom" "all")
(command "zoom" "0.8x")
(setq p1 (getvar "vsmin")
p2 (getvar "vsmax")
(setq ss (ssget "c" p1 p2))
(if ss
(command "erase" "all" "")

There is no function for picking a point in the room. It is done in the main program. Using the GETPOINT function.

The DRLNS Function

The DRLNS function is used to draw the lines of the room. The LINE command is used and the points are specified as a list.

Here is the DRLNS fucntion.

(defun drlns ()
(command "line" (list 10 10)
(list 30 10)
(list 30 30)
(list 60 30)
(list 60 10)
(list 110 10)
(list 110 110)
(list 10 110)

The FNDET Function

A line of the room has to be found after picking a point in the room. That is done with the FNDET function.

Here is the FNDET function.

(defun fndet (pt / ds ss)
(setq ds 10
ss nil
(while (null ss)
(setq ss (ssget "c"
(polar pt 0 ds)
(if ss
(setq et (ssname ss 0))
(setq ds (+ ds 10))

The point that has been picked in the room is given to the function. And then a selection set is found with the SSGET function.

For that function the crossing option is used. The SSGET function works with two points. The first point is the point that has been picked.

The second point is found by using the POLAR contention. There is started with a distance of ten. And that distance is increased all the time.

Finding the selection set is done in a WHILE loop. The WHILE loop continues as long as no selection set is found.

If a selection set is found, then a line has been found. The entity of the line is found with the SSNAME function.

The name of the entity is given back by the function to the main program. It is used for the next function.

The FNDLS Function

Here is the FNDLS function. The function is used to find a list of points. The points are found at the end of each line of the room.

(defun fndls (et / fe cn el p1 p2 ls ss et pt)
(setq fe et
cn T
el (entget et)
p1 (cdr (assoc 10 el))
p2 (cdr (assoc 11 el))
ls (list p2)
ls (append (list p1) ls)
(while cn
(setq ss (ssget "c" p1 p1)
e1 (ssname ss 0)
(if (equal e1 et)
(setq et (ssname ss 1))
(setq et e1)
(setq el (entget et)
pt (cdr (assoc 10 el))
(if (equal pt p1)
(setq p1 (cdr (assoc 11 el)))
(setq p1 pt)
(setq ls (append (list pt) ls))
(if (equal et fe)
(setq cn nil)

The function starts with giving the CN variable the value of true. The entity list of the line is found and the two points of the line.

The lines are written to a list. And then we get a WHILE loop. The WHILE loop continues as long as the variable CN has the value of true.

The selection set of the first point of the line is found. In the selection set are two lines. The previous line and a new line.

The new line is taken. There is checked what point hasn’t been found before. And that point is written to the list.

Writing a point to the list is done with the APPEND function. But it is important that the point is turned into a list.

This goes on until the point, that is found, is equal to the first point that has been found. That point is in the FE variable.

The DRWDN Function

With the previous function a list of points has been cremated. The list of points is given back to the main program.

The list of points if given to the DRWDN function. And it used to draw all the donuts at the ends of all lines.

(defun drwdn (ls / ct)
(setq ct 0)
(while (setq pt (nth ct ls))
(command "donut" 0 2.5 pt "")
(setq ct (1+ ct))

How is it done? Easy. The CT variable gets the value of zero. It is used to find the first point of the list.

The function opens with a WHILE loop. A donut is drawn in that point. And the value of the CT variable is increased with one.

The next point of the list of points is taken and a new donut is drawn. The WHILE loop continues as long as points are found.

The DRHTC Function

All the donuts are drawn, Now I want to draw a hatch in the room. That is done with the DRHTC function.

In the fucntion the BHATCH command is used. But before the name of the command there is placed a dash. I don't want a dialog box.

After starting the command I enter P. I want to specify the specifications of the hatch that is to be drawn.

The pattern of the hatch is ANSI31 and the scale of pattern is 50. The angle of the pattern is zero. Very good.

Now an internal point is specified. I could have taken the point that has been picked in the room. But I already know the internal point.

The internal point is 60,60. I enter (LIST 60 60) for the internal point. And an ENTER is entered too. Now the hatch is drawn.

(defun drhtc ()
(command "-bhatch" "p"
(list 60 60)

The ENDPR Function

Everything that needed to be done, has been done. The ENDPR function is started. Here is the function. You already know about it.

(defun endpr ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)

The Complete AutoLISP Program

You have got the complete AutoLISP program with an explanation of all the functions. Copy it to a text file and run it.

I hope everything was clear. If not. Let me know. You know how you can do that. Maybe I should have been more clearer.

Telling Others

Do you like what you have read? Do you know other people, that could be interested? Could you tell them about this blog?


In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog.

I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark.


Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP.

There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight.

How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program.

Only Create Drawings

When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster.

I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it.

If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here:


Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1.

Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know.

That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is?

I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-.

You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact.

Resource Box

Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia.

He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users.

Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube.

Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here:


Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address:


This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any Ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. As long as the following resource box is added:

This article is written by Jos van Doorn. He is an AutoLISP programmer who has helped engineering firms and architects to get their AutoCAD drawings fast, without waiting for hours.

You can find more valuable information about his
business and AutoLISP at his blog. It is here:


If you want to contact him. Go to his blog and leave a comment.

Friday, December 6, 2013

AutoLISP Program, Donuts, and Hatch 1


This time I have a very special AutoLISP program for you. Donuts are drawn and a closed area is hatched.

The AutoLISP program looks simple. But it is not. Read on and find out why it is not so simple. We must find points.

What The AutoLISP Program Does

The AutoLISP program is loaded into AutoCAD. It starts right away. And a closed figure is drawn. Let's call it a room.

Here is the closed figure or the room.

Next there is asked to pick a point in the room. After that has been done, donuts are drawn at the end of the lines and the room is hatched.

This is what you get.

There is a complication. After a point in the room has been picked, donuts are drawn at the end of each line.

When that is done, the room is hatched. Hatching the room is not complicated. It is not really a complication.

The AutoLISP Program

Here is the AutoLISP program.

(defun c:dnsrm (/ pt et ls)
(setq pt (getpoint "\nPoint in room: "))
(setq et (fndet pt))
(setq ls (fndls et))
(drwdn ls)

(defun start (/ ss p1 p2)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "blipmode" "off")
(command "limits" (list 0.0 0.0)
(list 120.0 120.0)
(command "snap" "on")
(command "snap" 10)
(command "grid" 10)
(command "zoom" "all")
(command "zoom" "0.8x")
(setq p1 (getvar "vsmin")
p2 (getvar "vsmax")
(setq ss (ssget "c" p1 p2))
(if ss
(command "erase" "all" "")

(defun drlns ()
(command "line" (list 10 10)
(list 30 10)
(list 30 30)
(list 60 30)
(list 60 10)
(list 110 10)
(list 110 110)
(list 10 110)

(defun fndet (pt / ds ss)
(setq ds 10
ss nil
(while (null ss)
(setq ss (ssget "c"
(polar pt 0 ds)
(if ss
(setq et (ssname ss 0))
(setq ds (+ ds 10))

(defun fndls (et / fe cn el p1 p2 ls ss et pt)
(setq fe et
cn T
el (entget et)
p1 (cdr (assoc 10 el))
p2 (cdr (assoc 11 el))
ls (list p2)
ls (append (list p1) ls)
(while cn
(setq ss (ssget "c" p1 p1)
e1 (ssname ss 0)
(if (equal e1 et)
(setq et (ssname ss 1))
(setq et e1)
(setq el (entget et)
pt (cdr (assoc 10 el))
(if (equal pt p1)
(setq p1 (cdr (assoc 11 el)))
(setq p1 pt)
(setq ls (append (list pt) ls))
(if (equal et fe)
(setq cn nil)

(defun drwdn (ls / ct)
(setq ct 0)
(while (setq pt (nth ct ls))
(command "donut" 0 2.5 pt "")
(setq ct (1+ ct))

(defun drhtc ()
(command "-bhatch" "p"
(list 60 60)

(defun endpr ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)


Next Post

In my next post I'm going to talk more about the AutoLISP program. I'm going to explain what needs to be done.

Telling Others

Do you like what you have read? Do you know other people, that could be interested? Could you tell them about this blog?


In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog.

I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark.


Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP.

There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight.

How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program.

Only Create Drawings

When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster.

I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it.

If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here:


Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1.

Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know.

That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is?

I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-.

You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact.

Resource Box

Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia.

He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users.

Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube.

Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here:


Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address:


This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any Ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. As long as the following resource box is added:

This article is written by Jos van Doorn. He is an AutoLISP programmer who has helped engineering firms and architects to get their AutoCAD drawings fast, without waiting for hours.

You can find more valuable information about his
business and AutoLISP at his blog. It is here:


If you want to contact him. Go to his blog and leave a comment.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

AutoLISP Documentation Updates

If you are looking for information about AutoLISP, go to this blog. On the blog is announced:

AutoLISP Documentation Updates - Windows and Mac

Web Site

If you want it, go to this web site:


The AutoLISP Documentation Updates Blog

Here is the top part of the AutoLISP Documentation Updates blog:

Somewhere at the bottom of the blog, you'll find two links. You'll find there the following two links:

1. Function Listing (by Name and Feature)
2. AutoLISP Developer's Topic Map

Function Listing/Topic Map site

I don't know why they have two separate links. If you follow one of the links, the same web site is displayed. Here is how the top of the page looks:

That is important. You can select a function of which you want to have more information. Or you can enter a name of a function in the edit box.

I have entered the name of the TEXTBOX function in the edit box. See what information was displayed. I think it is very good information.

Terrific Information

I think you can find some terrific information about AutoLISP functions on this blog. There is no forum here.

Telling Others

Do you like what you have read? Do you know other people, that could be interested? Could you tell them about this blog?


In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog.

I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark.


Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP.

There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight.

How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program.

Only Create Drawings

When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster.

I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it.

If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here:


Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1.

Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know.

That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is?

I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-.

You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact.

Resource Box

Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia.

He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users.

Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube.

Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here:


Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address:


This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any Ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. As long as the following resource box is added:

This article is written by Jos van Doorn. He is an AutoLISP programmer who has helped engineering firms and architects to get their AutoCAD drawings fast, without waiting for hours.

You can find more valuable information about his
business and AutoLISP at his blog. It is here:


If you want to contact him. Go to his blog and leave a comment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Another AutoLISP Blog

You already know. I told you. There are many AutoLISP blogs. I found another one. This oine is called Lee Mac Programming.

The Web Site

The web site of the blog is:


What's On The Blog

There is a lot that can be found on the blog. Here is what I found there:

1. Programs
2. LISP tutorials
3. DCL tutorials

I also found a forum on the blog.

Visual LISP

I went to the page where all the programs can be found. I downloaded the Align Text to Curve program. But I could not use it.

The program has been written in Visual LISP. I don't work with Visual LISP. Why should I? AutoLISP is good enough.

I did not check the other programs that could be found on the page. I'm afraid they have been written in Visual LISP too.

I guess Lee Mac is a fan of Visual LISP. I don't know exactly why. I understand you must buy the program to work with it.

Visit The Lee Mac Programming Blog

I don't know. Maybe you are familiar with Visual LISP. Maybe you are working too with it. Go and visit the Lee Mac Programming blog.

Or maybe you are interested in the tutorials he has got. Have a look at them. See if they are good enough for you.

Telling Others

Do you like what you have read? Do you know other people, that could be interested? Could you tell them about this blog?


In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog.

I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark.


Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP.

There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight.

How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program.

Only Create Drawings

When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster.

I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it.

If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here:


Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1.

Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know.

That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is?

I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-.

You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact.

Resource Box

Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia.

He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users.

Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube.

Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here:


Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address:


This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any Ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. As long as the following resource box is added:

This article is written by Jos van Doorn. He is an AutoLISP programmer who has helped engineering firms and architects to get their AutoCAD drawings fast, without waiting for hours.

You can find more valuable information about his
business and AutoLISP at his blog. It is here:


If you want to contact him. Go to his blog and leave a comment.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Here's How I Started With AutoLISP

That was more than 30 years ago. I don't know exactly what year it was. I was a late starter. I did an AutoCAD course.

Taking A Lot Of Time

After the course I started working as an AutoCAD draftsman. I didn't like the program. Creating an AutoCAD drawing takes a lot of time.


And then. I heard about AutoLISP. It is the programing language that has been developed by Autodesk, the supplier of AutoCAD.

I learned about what could be done with an AutoLISP program. It could be used to make AutoCAD very fast.

At last. I had found AutoLISP. I wanted to learn AutoLISP. I bought a book about AutoLISP and started studying it.


Once I had learned AutoLISP I came up with two questions:

1. How to defend against AutoCAD dealers that want you to keep wasting time?

2. Do You know why you should work with powerful AutoLISP programs?

The first question. That is how it is. The AutoCAD dealers make you believe that you need AutoCAD for creating technical drawings.

That creating a drawling in AutoCAD takes a lot of time. That is taken for granted. The AutoCAD dealers don't talk about it.

The second question. I'm afraid not every AutoCAD user realizes how a powerful AutoLISP program can help them with creating drawings.

AutoLISP Programmer

I was working in Germany. There I started as AutoLISP programmer. I must say I found a couple of firms that engaged me.

Later I went to Malaysia. I must say. Here in Malaysia the engineering firms keep on wasting a lot of time with AutoCAD.

Maybe I should go back to Germany and start there again as an AutoLISP programmer. But. My life in Malaysia is OK.

Self-Taught AutoLISP Programmer

That is what I can say. I was an AutoCAD draftsman and I became a completely self-taught AutoLISP programmer.

You could say I'm proof of the following statement. You don’t have to be a brain maniac to be good at programming in AutoLISP.

Telling Others

Do you like what you have read? Do you know other people, that could be interested? Could you tell them about this blog?


In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog.

I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark.


Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP.

There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight.

How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program.

Only Create Drawings

When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster.

I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it.

If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here:


Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1.

Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know.

That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is?

I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-.

You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact.

Resource Box

Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia.

He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users.

Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube.

Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here:


Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address:


This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any Ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. As long as the following resource box is added:

This article is written by Jos van Doorn. He is an AutoLISP programmer who has helped engineering firms and architects to get their AutoCAD drawings fast, without waiting for hours.

You can find more valuable information about his
business and AutoLISP at his blog. It is here:


If you want to contact him. Go to his blog and leave a comment.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hatching in AutoLISP

You find a lot of AutoLISP in my blogs. I wanted to know if there are more blogs about AutoLISP. On Google I did a search for “AutoLISP blog”.

A Lot Of AutoLISP Blogs

I can tell you. A lot of entries showed up. So there are a lot of AutoLISP blogs. I found the one from Kishore.

The blog is called “AutoLISP-Kishore”. Kishore is a man from India. He is doing more than AutoLISP. This is the address:


Article About Hatch

Kishore had an article about hatch. Here is the article he had.

How to give the hatch to the particular area by pick the point in AutoLISP or AutoCAD

Hi friends,

in this article I will explain about how to give the hatch to the particular area by pick the point in AutoLISP.

In previous article I explained about how to give the hatch to the rectangle in AutoLISP and how to give the hatch to the circle in AutoLISP.

First of all open the Visual Lisp Editor in AutoCAD:

- Click on Tools
- Click on AutoLISP
- Click on Visual LISP Editor.

After opening the Visual LISP Editor write the following code.

(defun c:pth()
(setq p1(getpoint "pick the point")
p2(list (+ (car p1) 10) (cadr p1))
p3(list (car p2) (+ (cadr p1) 10))
p4(list (car p1) (cadr p3))
p5(list (+ (car p1) 5) (+ (cadr p1) 5))
(command "line" p1 p2 p3 p4 p1 "")
(command "hatch" "net" 10 "45" "l" "")
(command "-hatch" p5 "")

In the above program I take four lines and draw lines and make those lines as rectangle.

We can’t give hatch to the explode rectangle using the code in the previous article how to give the hatch to the rectangle in AutoLISP and how to give the hatch to the circle in AutoLISP.

We have to use the pick point property. For this we have to use the above code.

Save the file as pth.LSP

Then write the below line in the AutoCAD Command

Command: (load “pth”)

The output of the above program is as shown in the
below figure.



I do not want to say that the article is bad or that the AutoLISP program is no good. But I want to make three remarks:

1. Kishore is working with AutoCAD. I guess he has the full version. And he writes his AutoLISP programs in the Visual LISP Editor.

I don't do that. I'm working with IntelliCAD and I write all my AutoLISP programs in TextPad. It is an almost free program.

2. AutoCAD commands are used in the AutoLISP program from Kishore. But he did not set the CMDECHO system variable to zero.

3. For adding a hatch to his drawing Kishore uses the HATCH command from AutoCAD. I always use the BHATCH command.

That is important. I do not want the dialog boxes from AutoCAD when I'm hatching though AutoLISP. So for the command I enter “-bhatch”.

I hope you enjoyed the article from Kishore. You can visit his blog. You can even subscribe to his blog. Through RSS.

Telling Others

Do you like what you have read? Do you know other people, that could be interested? Could you tell them about this blog?


In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog.

I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark.


Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP.

There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight.

How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program.

Only Create Drawings

When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster.

I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it.

If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here:


Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1.

Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know.

That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is?

I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-.

You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact.

Resource Box

Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia.

He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users.

Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube.

Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here:


Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address:


This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any Ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. As long as the following resource box is added:

This article is written by Jos van Doorn. He is an AutoLISP programmer who has helped engineering firms and architects to get their AutoCAD drawings fast, without waiting for hours.

You can find more valuable information about his
business and AutoLISP at his blog. It is here:


If you want to contact him. Go to his blog and leave a comment.