Friday, January 24, 2014

Do You Make This Mistake?

Do You Make This Mistake?

You are working with AutoCAD. You want to create true AutoCAD drawings, but you do not have enough money for buying the full version of AutoCAD.

You thought to be smart. You bought AutoCAD Light. Big mistake. You were wasting a lot of money. You could have saved that money.

Limited Program

AutoCAD Light is a very limited program. In it you can only create 2D drawings. And it doesn’t have AutoLISP support.

It doesn't have AutoLISP support. So you have no way of speeding up AutoCAD. You keep on waiting for hours before your drawing is created.

Waiting For Hours

OK. Maybe you do not mind that you have to wait for hours before your AutoCAD drawing is created. But still. Only 2D drawing.

Getting AutoCAD Light. It is a big mistake. All the money that you spend on AutoCAD Light. You could have saved that money.


You should have taken DraftSight. DraftSight is a free CAD program from Dassault. They are from France and making planes.

DraftSight is even better than AutoCAD Light. In it you can even create 3D drawings. And the drawings are saved in the AutoCAD format.

You save your DraftSight drawings with the DWG extension. So you are creating true AutoCAD drawings in DraftSight. For free!

Getting DraftSight

How to get DraftSight? Easy. Do a search on Google for “Download DraftSight”. And you will go to the website from where you can download it.

This message is a warning. I'm not talking to CAD users that already have bought AutoCAD Light. They made a big mistake. I cannot change it.

Buying AutoCAD Light

I'm talking to CAD users that are considering buying AutoCAD Light. To them I want to say. Don't. Get DraftSight instead.

When you get DraftSight you are not spending any money. You are not spending any money at all. And you are creating true AutoCAD drawings.

Telling Others

Do you like what you have read? Do you know other people, that could be interested? Could you tell them about this blog?


In the mean time. If you have any questions. Or you want to tell me something. Feel free to add a comment to this blog.

I would love to hear from you. And when you come to me with a comment. I will give a reply to your question or remark.


Don't spend a lot of money on AutoCAD Light. It is only for creating 2D drawings and it doesn't support AutoLISP.

There is a very similar CAD program. And that is completely free. The name of the program? DraftSight.

How to get it? Do a search on Google for “download DraftSight”. And you will find where you can download the program.

Only Create Drawings

When your CAD operators don't create the borders of your drawings, a lot of time is saved. You get your drawings much faster.

I have created a program that does exactly that. An AutoCAD drawing has been created and the program draws a border around it.

If you want to see how the program works, go to YouTube. You'll find the working of the program here:

Now the AutoLISP program gives you the choice to select the size of your border. You can select A4, A3, A2, or A1.

Maybe you already know the size of the border of your drawing. Maybe all your drawings have the size A1. If so. Let me know.

That is important. The program finds the proper scale of your drawing. Or do you already know what the scale always is?

I can write the AutoLISP program that you want. The price? I will only charge you RM 600.-. That is less than US $ 200.-.

You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact.

Resource Box

Jos van Doorn is an AutoLISP programmer and blogger. He is originally from Holland and now he lives in Malaysia.

He is the founder of the Make AutoCAD Fast business. Make AutoCAD Fast is writing AutoLISP programs for AutoCAD users.

Make AutoCAD Fast created an AutoLISP program for drawing a border around AutoCAD drawings. The program can be found on YouTube.

Jos is writing a blog. In it are AutoLISP programs with information and it is about Make AutoCAD Fast. You can find his blog here:

Make AutoCAD Fast

Maybe you have a question. Or want to tell me something. You can contact me on this e-mail address:

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